Tales of the Crisis
In late winter 2020, the coronavirus pandemic began to disrupt the lives and work of mathematics faculty and students, as well as mathematicians that serve in academic administration.
Dr. Linda Braddy and a mathematics faculty member from Dallas College Brookhaven contributed to this article comprising short vignettes of experiences from members of the mathematics community across the country.
Before Communication Was a Core Value, We Valued Communication
Drs. Linda Braddy and Hortensia Soto discuss strategies that can be utilized to facilitate communication that promotes inclusivity and broad enagement in the management of extensive, creative endeavors such as the three-year project that birthed the MAA’s Instrucitonal Practices Guide.
In Memoriam: Dr. Karen Denise King (1971–2019)
See pp. 27-28 of this AWM News publication for a tribute written by Dr. Linda Braddy and other members of Dr. King’s MPWRment accountability group.