Provost, Dallas College

DCCCD Initiates Return to Campuses

Linda Braddy, president of Brookhaven and interim provost for the district, confirmed in an email that campus presidents and the chancellor’s executive team returned to their offices.

DCCCD Sets Minimum Enrollment for Summer Classes

Linda Braddy, president of Brookhaven and interim provost for the district, said the goal is to consolidate courses within students’ own campuses first.

Pandemic Hastens One College

Linda Braddy, president of Brookhaven since November 3, is interim provost and will act as the chief academic officer for all programs of study.


Updates on Student Refunds & Grades

DCCCD will not be moving to a pass/fail system as other colleges across the nation have, according to an email to faculty from Interim Provost Linda Braddy.


President, Dallas College Brookhaven


VPAA, TCC Northeast