VPAA, TCC Northeast

What Math do Students Need to Know?

Too often, the problem stems from the use of placement tests that pigeonhole students in the “abyss of developmental math,” when they are capable of passing college-level math with a little extra help, adds Linda Braddy, vice president for academic affairs at Tarrant County College Northeast Campus in Texas and former deputy director of the Mathematical Association of America.


A Survey of Significant Developments in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Over the Past Decade

Progress is predicated on our willingness to acknowledge and ability to overcome our implicit biases and mistaken notions about student ability and to instead base our perceptions and actions on evidence from current research in the field.

Dr. Linda Braddy


A Family Affair

It’s so cool to have my daughter work here. I love it when people tell me how much they enjoyed working with her. I am so proud of her.

Dr. Linda Braddy


Provost, Dallas College


Deputy Executive Director, MAA