Deputy Executive Director, MAA


Braddy Brings Experience and Love of MAA to New Position in Washington

Braddy brings a wide range of experience to this new position, having served as a professor, department chair, and dean during her career. She also has extensive experience in fundraising and collaborating with state agencies, national organizations, and the federal government.

Braddy (center) on Capitol Hill with a graduate student (right) and Eddie Bernice Johnson (left) who represents Texas's 30th congressional district in the United States House of Representatives.

Braddy (center) on Capitol Hill with a graduate student (right) and Eddie Bernice Johnson (left) who represents Texas's 30th congressional district in the United States House of Representatives.

Photo below:

Braddy (left) on Capitol Hill with a graduate student (right) and James Lankford (center), United States Senator from Oklahoma.

Braddy (right) attending the MAA’s 2014 awards ceremony honoring the United States Mathematical Olympiad team held at the United States Department of State .

John Holdren, President Obama’s Chief Advisor for Science and Technology Policy, addressing attendees at the MAA’s 2014 awards ceremony honoring the United States Mathematical Olympiad team held at the United States Department of State .

Braddy (3rd from the right) attending the MAA’s 2014 awards ceremony honoring the United States Mathematical Olympiad team held at the United States Department of State .


VPAA, TCC Northeast


Dean, TCC South